Thursday, February 25, 2010

Painting Emulation Concepts

I've already started thinking about concepts for the next project, as I said in my last post. Maybe Emily got me started on this, but for some reason I started mulling over the idea of the Disney films, namely the old ones which were all created with cell art - moving paintings. I know a lot of people really enjoyed what I did with my drawings in the first project, and I was contemplating readressing that. I usually do rather straight photography, surprisingly, and tend to really limit my photoediting, though I do know how to do it.

But anyway, I was thinking of a series of images using myself and a sort of mixed collage of Disney cell art, traditional fairy tale paintings, pop-culture references, and magazine clippings. It's a shame though, some of my favorite fairy tales were completely skipped over by the all consuming arms of Disney (maybe for the best). Would the images have the same effect without those elements? Would they say the same things?

And would the whole thing really still be considered photography when more and more of it is actually collage?

There are so many beautiful illustrations from various cultures concerning fairy tales, though, and they have always been inspirational to me. I wouldn't mind doing something from them either way, though to actually replicate them at all would not be doing them justice. It is somewhat a shame how a lot of them have been basically bastardized for modern consumption.

This for instance hung in my bathroom growing up, and I had many wonderful books in my collection. I wish I still had all of them.

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