(I am writing this in retrospect, so it is a bit less hot on the burner, so to speak. But here goes.)
The group consensus was toward a title/theme that reflected renewal, or the transition between school and the "real world". We settled on the word "Soon", written with an infinity.
We each took up parts in an effort to have a great show (though everyone took part in installation and breakdown). These included finding sponsors, arranging catering, designing the floor layout, making pamphlets and ads. I made the website and created a map of the final layout for the on site flier.
Overall it was a huge success, and tons of work. We had food, wine, and even a doughnut truck out front. The show took place at The Vault, a space in downtown Tampa.
I had my own room on the upper floor, and had to repaint it out of pocket, which reeaaally sucked, but I couldn't have been happier with the end result. It was one of the busiest rooms all night, however, which really puffed up my feathers.
My room had three walls of work, featuring the photos and poetry of Return Inside on two walls, and Vis-Ability on the third. You can read more about both of those series on my Flickr page or website.
Here are some photos from the event: