Wednesday, October 2, 2013


It has been about a year since I have posted here. I am so sorry! I am not sure if I ever had any "regular visitors", per se, but I still feel bad for leaving this to sit untended to for so long.

So, basically, the rundown. I was required to keep up a blog for a couple of my courses in the last semester, which also happened to coincide with my thesis and graduation. I had every intention of adapting over the more relevent parts over to this blog as soon as I had the chance but just got caught up in post-graduation life. There has been some big changes of course, which I plan to write out... well, nowish.

My first plan is to adapt some of those post from my other blog. After that I will try to play catch up to where I am at now, and maybe I'll even get to some of those link posts I am oh so fond of. I am still considering if I want to back-date these posts to reflect when they would have happened. So... be on the look out for new-old posts as well. Also, look forward to posts in a potentially more informal tone than I usually use. I know some of you have requested that in the past.

It's good to be back.

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