Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Rich People

So the "Rich People" photoshoot went off rather well. My friends and I gathered early, scoping thrift stores in the area for clothes resembling those of the well to do, but on a budget. The trickiest member of our group to dress was Justice, a frighteningly slender man whom suits just weren't made to fit. A window display brought a stroke of inspiration, however, when we decided to give him a suitably prep school look. Brennan's look was the most last minute. He used an old shirt and slacks he had, and a jacket and tie I dug out from my closet. The red was amazingly striking in the images, so it was a rather positive turn of events. If only I had noticed his shoes!

We also acquired a few wine glasses, a bottle of cheap (but tasty) wine, and even cheaper cran-grape juice that would cut the costs even further but still be read as "wine", as well as one dollar squirt guns and (more thrift store goods) golf clubs. All in all it probably cost me fifty bucks out of pocket.

No one would ever mistake us for the filthy rich, but honestly I am more than fine with that. It's a farce, a parody, a satire. This is not what rich people actually do, but boy does it play a wonderful mockery to that end.

I took a particularly large amount of shots, and even when I weaseled it down to "very good" shots I was at a rather number, over fifty. I cleaned it out even further, down to 27, which I arranged in a grid for showing purposes - though honestly I prefer them larger.

Here are a few good ones, you can see the rest on my site:

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